With lots of negativity in the news surrounding Allergan Textured Breast Implants recently, I wanted to update my patients on this subject and hopefully give some peace of mind at the same time.
On July 24th 2019,Allergan announced that it was recalling its Biocell textured breast implantsand tissue expanders and confirmed that they will no longer be distributed orsold in any market where they are currently available.
Allergan had alreadyvoluntarily stopped the distribution of these implants in Europe, including theUK, about 3 months ago following concerns about Breast Implant Associated ��Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
The reason for this is an apparent higher risk of ALCL in these implants which have a deeper (macro) type of texturing. However, it is important to note that the data collection is incomplete and that BIA-ALCL were found in all kinds of implant surfaces including smooth but as the Allergan textured implants were the commonest implants used worldwide they had a higher percentage in the data.
Therefore, there is noconclusive clinical evidence that one type of implant surface is any riskierthan another. As such the international governing bodies are unanimous in theiradvice to women who have these implants but no symptoms. They do not need to beremoved.
If you have these implants I understand the concern you may have after watching or reading about this in the news recently and I would advise you to continue carrying out your routine monthly breast self-examination and seek advice if you have the following symptoms:
I��d like to reiterate thefact that whether you have implants or not, all women should check theirbreasts on a regular basis and follow up any changes with your GP or Surgeon.
If you��re unsure how to check your breasts visit the amazing website CoppaFeel who have recently launched their new campaign Grab Life by the Boobs.
This campaign pushes their key message of checking your boobs,pecs or chest regularly and giving people the tools to understand their bodyand detect any changes at the earliest stage possible.
With best wishes