Asymmetrical breasts (or in layman��s terms uneven boobs) affects more than half of all women and can have a significant impact on their confidence, especially for younger woman living in a world with unlimited picture-perfect Instagram bodies.

At Kat & Co we provide bespoke advice and support to each patient, working to their specific requirements to achieve their desired results aesthetically but also to help improve their confidence and quality of life.

Fat Transfer to Right Breast

This patient was extremely unhappy with the asymmetry of her breastsand came to Kat & Co to discuss surgical options to correct them. She hadconcerns about having implants at a young age so we were able to offer her theoption of a fat transfer procedure which is a good alternative for people whomight not want to use implants at this stage of their life.

Taking fat from her abdomen and thighswe performeda fat transfer to her right breast which gave her better symmetry to the leftbreast. The additional benefit of this procedure is the improvement to thecontour of the abdomen and thighs where the fat was harvested from.

And whilst the patient was advised that she may need more than one procedure, she was so happy with the initial results she opted for just one session. The patient��s mother was extremely grateful for her daughter��s new-found confidence.

Fat Transfer & Breast Reduction & Uplift

This patient was also very unhappy with the visible difference in herbreast size and shape but had concerns about using implants. She delayedsurgery for a long time until she found out that fat transfer was an option andafter consultation, she opted for a fat transfer procedure to her left breastand a reduction and uplift to her right breast.

After just three months, our patient is delighted with her results. Sheis happy with the look and symmetry of her breasts but has also grown inconfidence generally and feels positive about her body image for the first timein her life.

For more information on our breast procedures click here

Kat and Co Making Life Beautiful
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