Breast Implants and a rare lymphoma

Recently, the American FDA issued an article on the possible link between breast implants and a rare lymphoma. The risk is so small that the FDA continues to support the safety of FDA approved breast implants. However, there was also advice for  regular checks in the form of an MRI scan for wll women with breast implants.

The following is a letter from the President of BAPRAS in collaboration with the MHRA. It confirms that there have been no reported cases in the UK. There is also no indication for a routine MRI scan unless there has been changes in the patient's breast or chest. 

"The Comittee for Safety of Devices is aware of this concern and continues to evaluate the evidence in partnership with BAPRAS.  To date there have been no corresponding reports of this disease association to the MHRA nor to the UK Cancer Registry. This is a very rare tumour and whilst we continue to monitor the situation, the MHRA will be issuing guidance shortly, which will advise that routine MRI surveillance is not currently indicated, but that any woman with skin changes in implanted breasts should immediately seek advice.

We would like to remind our members as we have before  that if ANY adverse event occurs with an implantable device there is a statutory duty upon the clinician to notify the CSD via the reporting mechanism."

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