Does drinking more water help dry skin?

Do you know that your skin loses about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells from the surface almost every minute?

It is the largest organ in the body and requires optimum amount of hydration to function at its best,�in order to�protect, heal and excrete toxins.

As the surface organ the skin is the last to recieve the hydration from what we drink. Therefore the idea of drinking more when the skin feels dry is an oversimplification.

Skin requires hydration from within as well as a�good skin care regime.

The use of conventional moisturisers offer a quick fix: these emolients coat the skin and forms an artificial barrier, hence taking over one of the essential functions of the skin. Some believe that this leads to down regulation of cellular activities and contributes nothing to improving the condition of the skin per se.

A longer term approach to correcting skin dryness involves improving skin health, and hence skin functions from within. Having a good diet and lifestyle is an important part and adopting a suitable and effective skin care regime is central to that approach.This essentially calls for migration to clinic grade products (cosmeceuticals) which can effectively deliver vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients to the skin.

Watch out for our next instalment on cosmeceuticals.

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