With a variety of non-surgical and surgical interventions available, it is very easy to assume there are enough quick fixes out there to beat skin ageing. However the best way to maintain and achieve healthy skin is to start using skincare products from a young age. Cosmetic technology now provides natural, safe and consistent solutions that deliver effective, believeable results.�

Vitamin A- is the cornerstone of Environ treatments. Extensive scientific research have shown that Vitamin A has a corrective effect on the skin, smoothing it and further improving its texture. Vitamin A further protects the skin from ultra violet radiation and free radicals, however the most important function is to normalise the function of the skin.�

The AVST range from Environ is designed as a step up system with five varying strengths of Vitamins A and C. All of the products contain antioxidants and flavanoids that help reduce the signs of ageing. While AVST 3,4 and 5 contain added peptides this aids in the collagen and elastin fibres of the skin to help further improve the ageing process.�

We as a clinic find it in our best interest to inform our patients of good skincare and how important this is. We run skin events every other month to help give patients a better understanding of the skin.�

What does the event involve?

Our Skin event is combined with Environ IIAA, where in which the Environ REP comes into clinic and completes a full skin anaylsis for 30 minutes and then receive a complimentary taster facial which will be tailored to your desired needs.�

What can you expect from the taster facial?

The taster facial is designed to give you a taste of what the DF II machine feels like. This galvanic machine penetrates the serum into the skin ten thousand times deeper than what you would when you apply it on the skin topically.�

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9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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