Facelift redo testimonial


BMI Healthcare group newsletter - Talking Health

March 2012

Mrs Chien C Kat specialises in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast, facial rejuvenation, including face lifts, eyelid surgery body contouring and various other cosmetic procedures.

Sometimes her work involves putting right mistakes made by other plastic surgeons �� here we look at one such case.

It was meant to be a pick-me-up following a stressful year, but Gail Rossiter��s facelift turned into a living nightmare that lasted for four years.

It was only when Gail met with Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Chien Kat that she could finally see light at the end of what had been ��a very dark tunnel��.

It was 2007 when Gail decided she would pay for a necklift.

She explained: ��I had had a tough and stressful year and this was a sort of present to myself, a pick-me-up if you like. Something that would put the smile back on my face. I was just going to have a necklift but finally decided on a full facelift.��

But when the bandages were removed Gail was left in tears. She knew something was wrong and, as time went on, she was left with scarring to her face, an ear out of alignment and  her eyes ��webbed�� and pain affecting both sides of her neck where she could still feel the stitches.

��I was heartbroken. I couldn��t believe what had happened. My confidence was shattered. Two attempts to correct the mistakes didn��t help and I just didn��t know where to turn for help.�� said Gail. 

It was when her GP put Gail in touch with Mrs at that she finally started to see light at the end of the tunnel.

��From the moment that we met I knew Mrs Kat was going to be able to help me. She was kind and understanding and treated me like a human being. She explained in clear terms what she would have to do to correct the previous operation and was honest and frank about what she would be able to achieve,�� said Gail.

Now, one operation later, the smile is back on Gail��s face. Her scarring has been massively reduced and her ear re-sited in the correct position.

��I am delighted with the results,�� said Gail. ��It is like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am still angry that the work was done so badly in the first place but I am so grateful to Mrs Kat for the fantastic work she was able to do.��

Mrs Kat��s comments were ��When I first met Mrs Rossiter and her husband, she was clinically depressed and in the midst of a legal battle against her original surgeon. Unfortunately, the surgeon had returned to Italy and there was very little her solicitors could do. 

She and her husband persisted through the GMC(General Medical Council) and was finally successful in having the surgeon��s name removed from the GMC register. They were determined that what had happened to her would not happen to anyone else.

It is always a difficult decision to take on a complicated clinical situation. After several consultations, I felt I could improve on Mrs Rossiter��s aesthetic result and that she was ready and understood the limitations of the corrective surgery. 

The corrective facelift was basically a complete redo of the procedure as the original surgery had not addressed several of Mrs Rossiter��s concerns. There were extensive scarring that had to be reduced and residual stitches that were still spitting through her skin.

Fortunately the surgery was uneventful and Mrs Rossiter��s recovery and results were as good as we had hoped. 

I am delighted that after 4 years, she is finally able to move on and put the previous experience behind her.�� 

Gail added: ��I hope my case will serve as a warning to others to really research their consultant before having any work done. Look at their websites, ask your GP for advice and be prepared to ask questions when you meet them

��I can��t thank Mrs Kat enough for what she has done. She has given me back my confidence, my self-esteem and my smile.��

Mrs  CC Kat is a leading Midlands plastic surgeon specialising in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She is a full member of both BAAPS and BAPRAS as well as several international aesthetic surgery associations. She worked as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust but now runs her private practice, CC Kat Aesthetics �� Birmingham Laser Skin and Cosmetic Clinic, full time. For more information, visit www.cckat.com or call 0121 456 7930.



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