Festive Environ Healthy Skin Gift Sets Available at Kat & Co

It€™s just eight weeks until Christmas and we€™ve got some amazing beauty gifts for you at Kat & Co!

Our fabulous Festive Environ Healthy Skin Gift Sets are now available to purchase. We€™ve got a limited amount so make sure you don€™t miss out and purchase soon.

Available in selections for AVST 1-3 and AVST 4 & 5, each gift set has a fabulous bundle of goodies and can be personalised with different cleanser/moisturiser to fit each person's needs. 

The cost for these gift sets are AVST 1-3 £180 and AVST 4 & 5 £188 €“ giving you savings of £80!

Our Kat & Co festive gift vouchers are also available to purchase so why not add a pamper session to your gift-set for that someone special.

If you€™d like to purchase any of these gift sets or vouchers contact the team on 0121 456 7930, email enquiry@cckat.com or ask at reception if you visit the clinic.

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