Are you currently on ZO Skin Health products and want to try the Hydrafacial or vice versa�?
Our new ZO Hydrafacial combines all the benefits of the 6 step Hydrafacial MD with the added�effectivness of ZO products.
This skin specific facial is tailor made using the products�which best suit�your skin and includes�two masques which enables�us to target separate concerns. The treatment finishes off with a deeply relaxing scalp, neck, shoulder and hand massage.
The ZO range by Dr Zein Obagi has been designed to offer results-orientated therapies to meet your specific needs. Delivering clinically proven results, these solutions maintain healthy skin which is strong, smooth and firm, evenly toned and fully hydrated.
Treatment overview:
Call the clinic today on 0121 456 7930 to book your first ZO Hydrafacial.