At Kat & Co we endeavour to stay ahead of our clients needs by offering a carefully selected range of new services and treatments year on year.

2019 is no exception and this July we are pleased to announce the launch of four new services all based at our Clinic in Calthorpe Road offering a range of non-surgical and surgical options for all our patients.


Our Well Woman Clinic has beencreated to recognise the issues the female body encounters during differentstages of life and the impact it can have on your quality of life.

We have assembled a highlyskilled team of specialists to offer expert healthcare designed to meet thespecific needs of our female patients.

Some of the treatments we offerinclude non-surgical labial and vaginal rejuvenation using ThermiVa, arevolutionary non-invasive radio frequency technology that helps women whosuffer from vaginal laxity after childbirth or as a result of aging. It worksby delivering energy to the desired area to gently promote increased collagenproduction.

We are also the only clinic in theWest Midlands to offer the ground breaking BTL Emsella Chair which usesrevolutionary electromagnetic technology to treat urinary incontinence nonsurgically. It triggers pelvic floor muscle contractions  while the patient sits comfortably and fullyclothed on the chair for a 30 minute session.

We also offer specialist gynaecological advice for the areas of menopause, contraception, abnormal pain and bleeding. With our renowned female-led team, Kat & Co is the perfect choice for all your women��s wellness needs so call us today to discuss how we can support you. Visit our women's wellness page for more details here


At our specialist Mole Clinic, you will beassessed by our team of expert Plastic Surgeons or Dermatologist who willadvise you of the best mode of treatment.  The treatments we offer includesurgical excision, shaving and laser ablation. If necessary, the mole can besent for histological examination.

For those with a busy lifestyle, we also offer a 'See and Treat' service where the mole or other benign lesion can be removed at the same session as the consultation. Just inform the clinic at the time of booking that you would like to take advantage of this service. Find out more here


Obesityand being overweight is a common problem and in addition to the impacts onone's appearance, obesity poses serious multiple health risks.  Our weight management protocol has beenprimarily devised for our pre-surgical patients but it can also be applied topatients wishing to reduce their weight for health and aesthetic reasons.

Kat & Co believe in a multi-modalapproach to help patients to achieve inch loss. Our programme includes some orall of the following:-

  1. Dietary and lifestyle management
  2. Daily weight-loss injections
  3. Intavenous fat burner �� with intravenous drips, active ingredients enter the bloodstream directly and immediately. The fat burner drip combines a blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that help the patient achieve fat burning and detoxification.
  4. Cristal Cryolipolysis �� the Gold standard in fat reduction. The procedure freezes fat cells, which then self-destruct and are permanently removed from the body.
  5. Exilis Ultra 360 �� this is a state-of-the-art radio frequency and ultrasound device that precisely targets and tightens the skin. Combined with the Cristal, it��s a powerhouse fat burner. For more information click here


Whether you suffer from the extreme sweatingcondition of hyperhidrosis, sweat due to stress or just don��t want to botherwith anti-perspirant any more, Kat & Co has the answer for you!

MiraDry is a safe, clinically proven solutionthat helps to significantly reduce underarm sweat, using state of the artmicrowave technology.

Around one in ten people around the world suffer from excessive sweat. The miraDry system is the only US Food & Drug Administration cleared treatment that can dramatically and permanently reduce underarm sweat by targeting and eliminating the sweat glands in the underarms. For more information on miraDry click here

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9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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