Dear Mrs Kat,
It's a glorious July day and I'm feeling absolutelygreat and mostly it's because of a visit to your clinic I made back in November. As you know, I had my first child when I was just 16 and my body was completely transformed into something that I struggled to deal with for the next 24 years. I could barely look at myself in the mirror from the neck down and I was extremely self conscious of my shape, believing everybody probably thought I was pregnant. I have been running to keep fit for the past 5 years and have completed a triathlon but nothing was going to shift the excess skin I had been left with.
My 40th birthday was fast approaching and I think I had some sort of epiphany - this tummy was going! After lots research I found myself in your clinic and I instantly knew that I was going to go ahead with the surgery, your calmness and expertise were completely reassuring. Those that are close to me know that surgery would be a last resort for me, feelings of fear and was I being vain were constantly on my mind . But on February 19th 2014 I checked into spire and you performed a miracle!
If anybody is contemplating this surgery they should know that it is painful afterwards, theyshould know that some days you wonder if you have done the right thing, they should also know that it takes a while to start feeling human again. But they should also know that with each month that passes things get brighter and brighter and you wonder why you didn't do this years ago. You walk past the mirror and you stop to look and admire, you buy yourself the skimpy pants instead of the firm control ones you have been wearing for years. Those jeans do up without pinching and where has that muffin top gone? Your confidence soars and the value for money of this operation is suddenly much greater. Five months down the road and I am running most days of the week without a wobble or a pain - I feel great.
Many thanks to you and your brilliant team and to anyone contemplating the 'lock and glue' tummy tuck - just do it!
J.T. London