One of our patients wrote in recently to tell us of the wonderful summer she has had after having calf implants with Mrs CC Kat.

"For as long as I can remember my legs were awful. No matter how much I exercised, my calves would not grow. At school I was taunted. In all my childhood photographs, I looked terrible! Even when I became really fat my calves only looked a reasonable size and people would still comment on my skinny legs.

At the age of 62 I plucked up the courage to see Mrs Kat for a consultation. I read all the information leaflets and decided to go ahead. I was still embarrassed so I told people I was having my varicose veins removed!

The pain was a little more than I expected but worth every second!

That was six months ago - I have had a wonderful summer and for the first time I could wear a swimming costume and short skirts.

Everyone says I now have lovely legs but what they don't know is that it's all down to Mrs Kat. Thank you for giving me a life. It has been wonderful. I just can't stop looking at my legs.  It is amazing!"

For further information on the surgical procedures carried out by Mrs CC Kat please visit our website

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