Miradry - permanent underarm sweat reduction

"As a regular client at CC Kat Aesthetics,�I am always excited to hear about the new treatments the clinic�is launching. Natasha introduced me to the idea of MiraDry, explaining that the treatment can�reduce sweat production under the arms as well as hair growth with just one treatment. The loss of hair would have been tempting enough but to no longer sweat in this area was something�I was not going to pass up.

I split almost all of my time between two environments. My working life revolves around the beauty and holisitc salon. Work is busy, high paced and more often than not we keep thermostat high to create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere for our clients. The industry�I work in is obviously aesthetic led and�I feel it important to always present our best possible image to the clients and�sweat patches are not welcomed. With this in mind have always carefully chosen clothes to wear at work. Tops with close fitting sleeves in any colour other than black just won't work. The remainder of my time is spent at the gym. I train between one and three hours per day, five to six times a week. I have found that�the fitter�I have become, the more freely�I sweat.

I have been told this is common. Common or not, its a pain. I have had�no real issue with sweating at the gym, other than the continual purchasing of deodrant. But the increased sweat production wasn't restricted to my work-outs and at work.�Heavy sweating was often embarrassing when I was out socialising.�Hence I�was more than happy to give MiraDry a go on Natasha's recommendation.

The treatment itself was reasonably comfortable. The main discomfort came from the need to entirely numb the area with local anaesthetic injections. I don't mind injections, but�it did involve several injections�so�I think this would be the worst part�of the procedure for people who do dislike them. Truthfully after the first couple the area is pretty numb anyway so you really can't feel the remainder. Once the area has been numbed the treatment itself can't be felt other than a gentle sucking and is really quite quick. I certainly felt no discomfort but Natasha, Kelly and Catherine assured me if�I did the equipment is equiped to coolthe area to prevent any real discomfort.

I was sent away with some ice packs and told to take ibuprofen as needed and not to train for a day or two.�Well,�I went to the gym (sorry Natasha!)�but didn't use my arms. Afterwards,�I�grabbed some new ice packs out of the freezer, tucked them under my arms and easily went to sleep. When�I woke in the morning the area was slightly tender but�I had no need for painkillers. I carried on with the ice packs for the day until�I went to the gym later and tried not to use my arms too much (again, sorry Natasha). The most disruptiuve element to the recovery was how swollen the area was. This continued for the best part of a week and�I wouldnt have wanted to have the area on show but�a careful clothing choice was all that was necessary. The area remained very slightly tender to the touch for a little while after the swelling reduced, but only very slightly.

Six weeks on, i have not used deodrant once. My hair growth has almost entirely gone as well, with only one or two hairs coming through. The treatment has done exactly as it promised with one treatment. I can now wear tight fitting white shirts with no concerns.

The treatment causes only very minimal discomfort in my opinion and the results are fantastic. From discussing it with my own clients�I know it is a common issue, especially with those of us who are particularly active or work in high stress industries. I can wholeheartedly�recommend MiraDry.

Thank you to Mrs Kats team, Natasha, Kelly and Catherine for all of your expertise".

SB, Birmingham

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