Obagi NuDerm Skincare

The Obagi Nu Derm system has literally�transformed my skin. Prior to using the system I had dark pigmentation on my forehead and under my eyes making my skin look very uneven and dull. I had tried every over-the-counter product and none of them worked. After 18 weeks of using the full system, my pigmentation has completely gone and the system has completely evened out my skin tone. On top of this, the texture of my skin has improved so much: it looks fresh and "plumped up" and my spots have gone too. I can go "make-up free" and feel very confident. I have had so many compliments on my skin, particularly during the last 6 weeks of using the system. It was worth every penny and worth the initial side affects. (E.g Redness and peeling).

Natasha has been exceptional throughout the whole process from start to finish. In my initial consultation, she listened to all my skin concerns. She explained every single step of the system in detail and provided me with a clear and easy-to-follow protocol. She was also very accessible throughout the whole process, such that whenever I sent any concerns or questions over email, she responded the same day and really reassured me. She is meticulous and really knows her stuff regarding skin!!

Thank you so much for my new skin!


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