S.B Staffordshire

I have suffered from excessive sweating from my teenage years due to stressful situations, nerves and anxiety. This affected me, every day of my life, the clothes I wore, every meeting I attended, the list goes on. I had tried all 'over the counter' antiperspirants and then went on to prescription treatments, non of which would work after a few weeks . I was referred to Mrs Kat and she advised me of the surgical procedure called 'Bilateral Axillary Hyperhydrosis Correction'. After a lot of thought,consideration and research I decided to go ahead and have never looked back. The surgery was a daycase and was painless but due to restricted movement post op, I would advise at least three weeks recovery. Probably the most painful part was the physio/stretching exercises to regain mobility, but that was minimal. The sweating stopped immediately the operation was performed and I haven't suffered any sweating since. I don't wear any antiperspirant/deodrant at all now, it is truly amazing.I have more confidence, it has changed my life. There is some slight scaring but it is not a problem for me as the benefits far outweigh this and I have been assured by Mrs Kat that these will fade in time. Mrs Kat has always been reassuring and confident with this procedure throughout and I have much to thank her for. I would be willing to speak with anybody about my experience regarding this procedure . Mrs Kat and her staff were always willing to speak with me over any concerns and always put my mind at rest. Thank you.

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