The Cambridge Diet at CC Kat Aesthetics

At CC Kat Aesthetics, we feel that patients deserve the best possible result. For some surgical procedures like breast reductions and abdominoplasties, being overweight increases the risk of poor wound healing and aesthetic outcome. Mrs Kat will advise patients to lose some weight prior to surgery.

To help patients achieve this weight loss within a certain time frame, we have chosen to include the Cambridge Diet as part of our service.

Dr H Kat, our Aesthetic Doctor has sucessfully lost weight with the plan and is a Cambridge Diet Counsellor. He will start to offer this service at our clinic from the beginning of July.

Whether your goal is to achieve a target weight in preparation for surgery or you simply want to lose weight, contact us for an appointment or read more about the Cambidge Diet here.

This is what Lisa, our clinic co-ordinator, has to say about her personal experience with the Cambridge diet

"In 2008 I was diagnosed with severe cartilage damage in my left knee, which meant open knee surgery to replace the cartilage artificially. I was  20lb overweight for my small 5��2�� frame and my surgeon advised this would have an impact on the recovery of the new cartilage and my knee .

I needed to lose weight quickly in order to proceed with my surgery, I had read about the Cambridge Meal Replacement Plan and heard of its quick results. I did some research via the internet and booked a consultation to see a Cambridge Diet Counsellor.

The diet was so easy - no counting calories, points or portion sizes, just shakes, soups & bars!  

The first three days were tough as your body gets into a state of ketosis ( fat burning) but drinking plenty of water and regular meal replacements do keep the side effects ( headaches and hunger pangs!) at bay. On day four I felt great, full of energy  and less bloated. After 1 week I weighed in with my counsellor and amazingly lost 6lb!

I continued for another week on the ��Sole source Plan�� and lost another 5lb, and finally got to my goal using the ��maintenance plan�� meaning I still enjoyed a cooked evening meal with my family. With my mobility reducedI found it difficult to exercise but every week I lost pounds!

i think the Cambridge diet is ideal for a quick weight loss in preparation for surgery. it is easy, effective and very affordable."

Another celebrity talks about her success with the Cambridge diiet -

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