Traditional liposuction ticks all the boxes

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) recently surveyed 492 members to evaluate their experience with liposuction and other fat removal techniques. Results showed that traditional liposuction, or suction-assisted liposuction, is the preferred method, while non-invasiove devices such as ultrasonic and laser assisted are the least popular.

This certainly reflects my personal experience. Traditional liposuction has been around since before my training 18 years ago. It has withstood the test of time, has the longest track record and the most data supporting its efficacy and safety. I have used this almost exclusively over the past 10 years as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon achieving good results and very happy patients.

With the advent and great hype over the newer techniques like the power assisted liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction and laser assisted liposuction, many of the distributing companies were keen to bring their wares for me to try. I have tried them all and have always gone back to my old faithful fat buster.

The traditional liposuction has a wide choice of cannula sizes to suit different areas of the body. The tubings are small and allow great flexibility of movement without being hampered by clunky attachments. It allows me to be the artist that sculpts rather than concentrating on not burning the skin with the more aggressive newer techniques.

Traditional liposuction is not 'sexy' like it's newer cousins but it is safe and almost always carried out by a qualified Plastic Surgeon as it is often performed in a hospital setting. Ultrasound assisted, laser assisted liposuctions etc are often carried out by non plastic surgery trained cosmetic doctors. The American audit showed a higher rate of complications with the newer techniques.

The main reason for people choosing the newer techniques is clever marketing, often sponsored by the companies that manufacture the devices. The other concern is the industry marketing the devices to doctors with no appropriate aesthetic surgery training.

Water assisted liposuction (Bodyjet) is merely traditional liposuction with the additional benefit of spraying a jet of fluid under pressure to break down the fatty tissue before the liposuction which makes the procedure more effective , less painful and with less blood loss. I use this excellent adjunct to traditional liposuction at both Spire Parkway Hospital and the Priory Hospital.

As usual, do your research before embarking on any surgical procedure but for my money, traditional liposuction ticks all the boxes.

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