V.G Birmingham

For as long as I can remember, even going back into my early teens, I have always had a real hang up about my breasts. I envied all my friends who had 'womanly' curves and who could wear backless dresses, bikinis and sexy lingerie confidently. I, however would do everything I could to hide my tiny, unshapely breasts.

In May this year I finally plucked up the courage to book an appointment and see the famous Mrs Kat! I had heard such amazing reports about her work and everyone had such stunning results that I was desperate to see her!

I was warmly welcomed by Lisa and the team in Mrs Kat's city centre clinic and before I knew it I was sitting chatting to Mrs Kat about my breasts! I was instantly put at ease and from then on all my nerves went away and I was full of excitement at the thought of my new shaped breasts. Mrs Kat discussed thoroughly about what my options were as I had a condition called tubular breasts which meant I needed my areola repositioned as well as implants. My Mum had had breast cancer many years ago so I also asked Mrs Kat about if there were any issues with that and made sure it was ok to have surgery. I then saw Natasha , Mrs Kat's nurse who explained my different implant options and sizes. This was the fun part, experimenting with different shapes and sizes and trying them on under my clothes!

The big day arrived and my nerves had kicked in big time! I was welcomed at the hospital and taken to my room and within about 30 minutes had met my anaesthetist and was gowned up for theatre! Mrs Kat came in shortly before to go through the procedure and kindly drew on me! The next 30 minutes was pretty scary, more of a combination of nerves and excitement.

The next thing I knew I was lying in the recovery room. It was all over and done with! I felt suprisingly fine, noreal pain, more stiff and tight, almost like I had done a really hard weights session!

After a couple of hours I was allowed up to get dressed...Upon doing so, I managed to catch a glimpse in the mirror of my new shape and even though it was early days, I was ecstatic with the results.

In terms of recovery, I feel it was quick and I healed fantastically. I was walking and using the bike at the gym within 10 days then back to more vigorous exercise after 5 weeks.

Mrs Kat really did change my life and I will never be able to thank her enough. She has now given me the confidence to walk around the bedroom in underwear, wear backless and low cut dresses with no bra , wear a bikini and feel amazing...all things that 6 months ago, I would have never dreamed of doing.

Everyone who has seen my new breasts cannot believe the lack of scarring, the attention to detail that has gone into them and has said Mrs Kat is a perfectionist and has created a work of art... I still cannot put into words just how thrilled I am with the results and would recommend anyone who wants their shape changed to see MrsKat tomorrow!"

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