Why Sculpsure?

Why Sculpsure? This is the question I'm often asked when I tell colleagues and patients that my clinic has acquired this non-invasive fat reduction device.

We have been looking at non-invasive body contouring devices for a while to complement what I offer surgically.

Not every patient wants or is suitable for surgery and that is why we offer the option of non-surgical alternatives where possible. I also see non-invasive body contouring as a very useful adjunct to provide the finishing touches to procedures like tummy tucks. An example of this situation would be patients who have recovered from their abdominoplasty and want to slim their thighs but do not want further surgery.

Non-invasive body contouring isn't new. Over the years, radio frequency, ultrasound, fat freezing etc have been used to reduce fat. I have chosen Sculpsure because I understand laser technology better. Sculpsure is a diode laser device that fires off at 1064nm. With the clever contact cooling system and the careful calibration of the laser, the 1064nm beam effectively targets fat cells and heat them up to 47 degrees Celsius, triggering off a process of programmed cell death. As a simple minded surgeon, I'm comforted by the knowledge that if a laser is aimed at a target, result happens. In some studies, an average of a 24% fat reduction has been documented from a single Sculpsure treatment.

The patient experience also factored very highly in driving my decision. Treatment with Sculpsure is by no means without discomfort, which is variously experienced as heat, pinching sensation or cramps. As the build-up of heat alternates with cooling (30 seconds each), the level of discomfort is tolerable to most.

Importanly, there are no visible bruising or discoloration and the only post-treatment discomfort is limited to localised tenderness. As a result, there is literally no downtime.

Results are usually seen between 6-8 weeks. Due to the "feathering" effect of heat distribution, there is no visible division between treated and untreated areas.

No, I haven't chosen Sculpsure simply because it's the latest in the market.

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