Surgical - Body

Tummy Tuck Reviews

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure which tightens the stomach by removing excess skin and fat.
Prices from £5,378
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Surgical markings for vaser liposuction
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Abdominoplasty Testimonials

"Dear Mrs CC Kat, On the 19th December 2018 you changed my life, actually, you gave me life! In 2008 I fell pregnant with my first daughter (a miracle as I was told I would never conceive naturally). I was a size 10, had a gym lifestyle as I had always been a very active child, teen and early adult! I was 26 years old when I had her, a size 24 weighing over 17 and a half stone (I stopped weighing myself so I was definitely heavier). I had terrible labour and then an even worse emergency c-section. I felt like I was watching my life as an outsider, my body was destroyed, but, I was so happy I was now a mummy, I was last on my list to take care off! I had my 2nd daughter in 2011 and had lost weight. Prior to having her around 14 stone but still was a mess, I didn’t have confidence, although I was very good at pretending! I always held my overhang, and imagined cutting it off or having it removed! I have followed your work for many years but didn’t have the courage or heart to lose weight or actually have it done! July 2018 was a turning point for me, I needed to live for myself my girls and my partner of 15 years. This op has given me hope, strength and life I used to have. I now hold my head up whilst I walk down the street! I owe you so, so much for making this possible! Thank you!B.W.Lock and Glue Abdominoplasty"

Private Patient

this possible! Thank you!B.W.Lock and Glue Abdominoplasty"Mrs Kat, Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I put my trust and faith in you and you have made me feel so much more confident about myself. The magic in your hands has changed my life."


"During my youth I was always obese. Whilst my childhood years were good, I tried really hard to lose weight but nothing worked. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid. I used this diagnosis to my advantage and through diet and exercise I lost 10 stone in 10 months. By my 21st birthday I was 10 stone. However I had been left with a massively deflated chest which had barely no breast tissue. I also had excess skin on my stomach, thighs and upper arms. In 2004 I decided that I wanted breast implants and I began to research surgeons in my area. I decided to book a consultation with CC Kat. From the very beginning I found Miss Kat to be extremely professional, approachable and knowledgeable about breast enhancement. I decided to book my operation and was extremely happy with everything from the pre op consultation, the care received, the operation, post operative care and most importantly the results. Over the next 13 years I have had each of my problem areas rectified through abdominal reduction, thigh lifts and most recently an upper arm reduction. Each time I returned to CC Kat to perform the surgery. The hospitals changed but the surgeon was always CC Kat. I trusted her, had enormous confidence in her abilities and have always been delighted by the results and the experience. In January 2017 I needed my original breast implants changing. After having 2 children, losing more weight and the aging process my implants were clearly visible and rippling. I believe this was a challenging procedure as I had very little breast tissue and muscle and thin skin. However, CC Kat replaced my implants under my muscle and was able to give me breast that not only look natural and don't ripple but also suit my frame. I can't recommend CC Kat and her team enough, I only have positive things to say about my experiences and would definitely return to CC if I require any further procedures. I now have no excess skin, a great bust and all thanks to CC Kat.


"I had lost about 7 stones over a number of years. I was happy with my result but my stomach just would not go. I have tried personal trainers, numerous ab work and my stomach just wouldn't reduce. February 2014 was when I decided to go and see Mrs Kat for a consultation on a tummy tuck. I was recommended by numerous people and was advised that Mrs Kat would give me honest advice on if I needed a tummy tuck. When I had my consultation with Mrs Kat, she listened to my journey, the reason I booked the appointment and why I thought she could help. She examined me and explained what had happened to my skin and advised me that I would be perfect her for her ‘lock and glue procedure’. I was shown before and after pictures and what the process entailed. Before I left, she advised me to have a good thing and not to rush into a decision. As soon as I left, I knew this is what I needed to do to complete my journey in losing weight and having a body that I would be happy with. I booked my operation for the end of June 2014 at the Priory Hospital in Birmingham. I had received paperwork from Mrs Kat's clinic and the Priory on what to do nearer the time of the operation. As months went by, I was getting excited at the thought of completing this step. Within the package was the pre-op assessment - simple blood tests and information on what I needed to do prior to the op. This was when I realised that I had never had an operation before and I chose this as my 1st. I arrived at the hospital at 7.30 am and was very nervous. I was pacing the room thinking ‘what the hell have I done?’ i was greeted by the anaesthetist who informed me I was going down to theatre in 45 mins and that Mrs Kat would come in and see me beforehand. At this point, I wanted to leave!! The nurse came in, had a chat with me, even gave me a hug and said I would be OK. Mrs Kat came in, consulted with me, marked out various areas on my abdomen and reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. Off I went to the theatre and the staff at the priory were amazing. They made me feel at ease and talked me through each step. I got on the operating bed and literally within seconds of being given the anaesthetic I was out!!! A few hours later I woke up on morphine and in good spirit. The 3 days at the Priory were great. The staff were amazing and were on hand whenever I needed them. Mrs Kat visited me each day to see how my recovery was going and to answer any questions I had. I was discharged after3 days and went home with instructions on aftercare and medicine. I will be honest and say the 1st 2 weeks were hard. Just not being able to sleep normally, walking bent over and being restricted on what I could do. I had 2 post-op appointments with Mrs Kat to check the scar. 1 week after my op and 2 weeks after my op. This was to change dressings and to see how I was. I did have some concerns when I was at home and after a quick phone call to the clinic, this was resolved. Recovery after the first 2 weeks improved and each day got better and better. 3-month post-op appointment with Mrs Kat was the sign-off and the all OK. The scar had healed well, the girdle and micropore tape could come off and I could resume a normal life. It's now 7 months on and I am absolutely delighted with the results. I still have some swelling and numbness but this improves weekly. The scar is amazingly well healed and after using oil purchased from CC Kat's clinic, it has slightly faded, even though I am not bothered by the scar. As a man, I researched tummy tucks on men for months to see what the results would look like and what men had to say on recovery and I was disappointed as I could hardly find any. I hope this helps other men who are choosing this procedure. Mrs Kat and her team were amazing. Her support didn't stop once I had paid my money and had my op. She was on hand when I needed her. I would and have recommended her services to my friends and if I chose to have any more treatments I would only come to her. "

mr W.A.

"Dear Mrs Kat, It's a glorious July day and I'm feeling absolutely great and mostly it's because of a visit to your clinic I made back in November. As you know, I had my first child when Iwas just 16 andmy body was completely transformed into something that I struggled to deal with for the next 24 years. I could barely look at myself in the mirror from the neck down and I was extremely self conscious of my shape, believing everybody probably thought I was pregnant. I have been running to keep fit for the past 5 years and have completed a triathlon but nothing was going to shift the excess skin I had been left with. My 40th birthday was fast approaching and I think I had some sort of epiphany - this tummy was going! After lots research I found myself in your clinic and I instantly knew that I was going to go ahead with the surgery, your calmness and expertise were completely reassuring. Those that are close to me know that surgery would be a last resort for me, feelings of fear and was I being vain were constantly on my mind . But on February 19th 2014 I checked into spire and you performed a miracle! If anybody is contemplating this surgery they should know that it is painful afterwards, they should know that some days you wonder if you have done the right thing, they should also know that it takes a while to start feeling human again. But they should also know that with each month that passes things get brighter and brighter and you wonder why you didn't do this years ago. You walk past the mirror and you stop to look and admire, you buy yourself the skimpy pants instead of the firm control ones you have been wearing for years. Those jeans do up without pinching and where has that muffin top gone? Your confidence soars and the value for money of this operation is suddenly much greater. Five months down the road and I am running most days of the week without a wobble or a pain - I feel great. Many thanks to you and your brilliant team and to anyone contemplating the 'lock and glue' tummy tuck - just do it!"


"I have received excellent treatment from my first meeting with Mrs Kat. I am really pleased with the results of my operation and the aftercare. I have regained my confidence and am delighted to be able to wear “nice clothes and go “clothes shopping. Many thanks for everything, I would highly recommend CC Kat Aesthetics."


"After having my two children via C-section and weight loss after pregnancy I was left with a pouch of a stomach which knocked my confidence, looked and felt awful. I couldn't imagine living with it for the rest of my life so I decided to do something about it. I was recommended Mrs Kat and from the moment I met her I had 100% confidence I could have my old body back, and I was not wrong. From start to finish the care and advice have been outstanding; I would have no hesitation in recommending her and owe her so much for making me "me" again. Thank you"


"I first met Mrs Kat in September 2016 after years of contemplating having a tummy tuck. From the first minute, I met Mrs Kat I felt at ease and in competent hands. I instantly phoned Louise (Mrs Kats PA) and booked my surgery. I felt excited, not scared, as I had full confidence with Mrs Kat and her team. The surgery went well and the aftercare at the Priory Hospital in Edgbaston was fantastic. I was walking around the ward on day 2 and sent home. At home, I made sure I walked 20 times up and down my lounge every hour and I was at work after 1 week. At 47 I have a fabulous stomach and figure and wore my first bikini. I have just had my final appointment with Mrs Kat at four months post-op and I can go back to running and exercise which I am thrilled about. I would say anybody contemplating this surgery with Mrs Kat should DO IT. I am absolutely thrilled with my new tummy."


"Wow! Brilliant - from the first consultation to my amazing post-op results. Everyone caring for me on my scary, exciting, daunting journey has been kind, sensitive, honest and informative. I never thought my body could ever look like this. After 3 children, 1 section and yoyo weight loss/gain, my stomach is flat and tight - amazing results. Mrs Kat and all her team should be very proud! I would recommend her a million times - do not go anywhere else"


"Mrs Kat has changed my life. After having a child, weight gain and separation I was at my lowest, my confidence was at rock bottom. I had always thought about getting a tummy tuck but I was warned about who to trust and where to go. A friend recommended Mrs Kat and from the first time, I met her I didn’t look back. I knew I could trust her to guide me through the process and give me the results I needed. The operation was a huge success and Mrs Kat and her team were friendly, supportive and professional. It has changed my life. I have set up my own business, gained in confidence and now feel I have the body I always dreamt of. I can’t recommend Mrs Kat highly enough. She is a miracle worker."

Private patient

"WOW! What an amazing and life-changing surgery Mrs Kat and her fantastic team provided for me! Can’t fault any of my experience! Hospital care was outstanding. Mrs Kat and her team have made my experience unforgettable… in a fantastic way! I’ll never be able to thank Mrs Kat for what she has given me – my flat tummy! Something I’ve worked so hard for and Mrs Kat has just perfected it. All my aftercare through Mrs Kat and her team have been outstanding, always there to help whatever my question. Anyone looking for a fantastic surgeon, Mrs Kat is the lady! AMAZING!"

Private patient

"I knew of two members of my extended family who had similar surgeries to what I was looking to have, one of which was with Mrs Kat. The one who had Mrs Kat has a much better package of care. I am thrilled with my result, I have the cosmetic benefits but also my core is much stronger and I no longer have a large apron. I no longer suffer back pain each morning when I wake. I believe losing weight pre-surgery and getting as fit as possible helped me with my post-op recovery. After the two weeks post-op period, I felt great again, and by six weeks I started jogging again and horse riding. I wish I did it years ago and I am so pleased I chose CC Kat. I have been delighted with the whole care package."


"I had a bad back and confidence issues due to a large gap in my stomach muscles and stretched overhanging skin after having my 3 children. From the very first meeting, Mrs Kat was excellent, explaining what she could do and how she could help me. The operation went as planned and within weeks I was back to normal, but with a totally flat, amazing looking stomach! I now have no backache and the scar is fading away to nothing."

Private Patient

"To Mrs Kat and Team The words cannot express the way you have changed my life. I can now look at myself in the mirror and love what i see. The word thank you just is not enough to say. All my love"


"I just wanted to send a brief note to say thank you to Mrs Kat, all her staff and Little Aston Hospital. On 18th January I finally had the surgery I had desperately wanted for over 10 years, a breast augmentation and tummy tuck (lock & glue). From the consultation onwards I have been so impressed with the care I have received, I am still only 5 weeks post-op but the decision to have these procedures has literally given me the body I have wanted for so many years, and the results are improving every week. The recovery journey has ups and downs but never once have I regretted my decision to have the surgery. Thank you so much to you all. PS Special thanks to Natasha for answering my emails so quickly when I am having a ‘moment!’ of which there have been a few!!!"

Private Patient

"Dear Mrs Kat, Words cannot express how grateful i am. I now have the freedom to enjoy my life with no limits... You truly are a master of your work, and it has been a pleasure to have met you. Many Thanks"


"I just wanted to send a quick message for you to pass my sincere thanks onto Mrs Kat. She performed a lipo abdominoplasty on me on 22nd Jan at the Spire Parkway. I know she wasn’t keen on doing a big procedure when she was due to be away for a few weeks following my surgery but I am so grateful that she agreed to go ahead and I am over the moon with the results so far. Even at this early stage, I can’t believe the difference the surgery has made and every day I see further improvements in my tummy. I am still swollen in some areas but the results I have at the 2-week post-op stage far outweigh my expectations. I look forward to seeing how my tummy shapes up over the coming months and look forward to seeing Mrs Kat again at my 3-month check so she can see what a fantastic job she has done!."


"Most of my adult life I have had a body that I covered up, having 3 children and losing a large amount of weight I decided to have an abdominoplasty. After much research, I chose Mrs.Kat as my preferred cosmetic surgeon. As a leader in her field, her passion for her work, the techniques she uses and attention to detail inspired me. Her empathy and kindness put me at ease immediately. The results are stunning and the experience has made such a positive impact and changed my whole life for the better. The simplest of things like wearing figure-hugging clothes, a bikini on holiday this summer and my husband buying me pretty underwear as a gift for the first time have bought so much joy and fun into my life. I feel totally empowered by the whole experience. A big thank you to Mrs.Kat and all the C.C.Kat Cosmetics team who have added true value to my life."


"It’s nearly a year since I had my Tummy Tuck and I am just so pleased with the results, they exceeded my expectations and more. I absolutely love my new tummy, it really has changed my life and given me so much confidence. I would recommend going for it to anyone thinking about it. I am only 30 and have not had children but the loose skin around my abdomen was the result of weight loss and was something that I just hated and it affected my confidence hugely. This was a huge decision for me and a big financial undertaking. I do not have a single regret. Mrs Kat and her team looked after me so well. The advice in the run-up, stay at the hospital and aftercare was just incredible. I actually really enjoyed my time at Little Aston Hospital. My scar is barely visible which is just amazing and the muscle definition Mrs Kat created with the tummy tuck looks fantastic. I cannot thank you all enough. Mrs Kat is absolutely one of the best surgeons in this country and so lovely too! I would also like to mention that Mrs Kat suggested doing Pilates through my recovery. I practised this at Equilibrium Pilates and Yoga Studio in Sutton Coldfield and I really feel this has aided my recovery no end. It has helped recover the muscles and also helped with my posture as when you are in the initial stages of recovery it is very restricted and affects the way you stand. Best wishes and a big big thank you."


"I had my tummy tuck on the 6th January 2012 with the fantastic Mrs CC Kat! And I have never looked back. Over the past 14 years, I have had 5 children, but it was the first pregnancy that ruined my stomach, I was left with deep unsightly stretch marks and a saggy pouch, I had a bit of a hood to my belly button too. I hated it! And I never felt nice in clothes, I was always conscious of my saggy protruding stomach. I went to see Mrs Kat at The Priory in Birmingham and as soon as I met her I knew she was the surgeon for me, she is lovely, very confident in my results and really informative. After the consultation I met Natasha her nurse and personal assistant, she is equally amazing and was on the other end of a mobile phone if I needed her. How cool is that!! I had my surgery on 6th January 2012 and the staff at The Priory couldn't have been more helpful. I also had a physiotherapist. She was great in showing me breathing techniques afterwards and she visited me every day I was in the hospital. I stayed for 3 nights, the care is 5 star and so is the food. The next day I was up and about and got to look at my new tummy. It was amazing!! I had no stretch marks and it was flat and tight, I finally had the body I always dreamed of! I can't thank Mrs Kat, Natasha and her team enough. You have transformed my life, and not only my life but my husband's and children's, because I am so happy, it reflected on them too. I travelled from Liverpool to see her and would have travelled across the seas to have her as my surgeon, as I have heard that so many people come from everywhere just to have her. I recommend, if you are reading this, you have certainly found your perfect surgeon!"

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